I hadn't realised she had grown so much! Here she is in a pair of jeans I picked up from our playgroup rummage sale and a top a mom gave a friend when she left the country, along with a pair of day-market shoes. Stylin'! Kyle is in his All Black pants and skateboarding shirt. Can you tell they dressed themselves?
It's Chinese New Year's Day. Last night we had the New Year dinner with Richard's parents. Most of friends get emotionally ready for the big dinner with family at this time of year. Our dinner is actually quieter, as Lisa and family go down South for the week. We have relative calm, which suits me, as I am not one to really get into tradition like Christmas of this NewYear thing.
Today, I took pictures of some of Kyle's art. This is from last year, when he was four to four-and-a-half. I hope he will get back into it someday as I really enjoy looking at his work.
Flowers. You can see a smudge in the center. Kyle bumped it by mistake, but decided it was fine like that.
Cat on the Roof: They read a Chinese story in the class, then drew their own interpretation.
Wow Kyles art is amazing! Can you let him know that Cleo would love some art to hang in her room please? X