Sunday, April 4, 2010


Ok, I admit it, I am really really really REALLY lazy when it comes to holidays like Easter and Halloween.  I just couldn't muster up energy to find chocolate eggs, decorating kits, and so on for my kids.  I gave them a candy and made them papaya milk, and that is the extent of my Easter celebrating.  Maybe it's because it wasn't that big of a deal for us growing up anyway, and then there is the whole WORK side of finding things for the holiday.  We did get a couple of books out from the library to read about Easter.  Hannah had two fillings on Wednesday, so I also figure the less chocolate she has sticking to her teeth, the better.

I have spent the day trying to find out about jetstar and other cheap flight options to New Zealand.  I've read some NASTY reviews of jetstar, so if you have something positive to say, please let me know!  The tickets are a third less than the other airlines, and if you take the view "you get what you pay for", it should be OK, right?

On Friday night, we went to a wedding celebration at gardenmall, which you can read about on my other blog (  Here some pics of Kyle and Hannah, dressed in their flowergirl/pageboy clothing from the week before's wedding:

With the changing seasons comes the time of friends moving on.  This week, I have found out three lovely women and their families are moving early/mid June.  It's getting harder to deal with as time goes by.  It takes a year or so to get to know people, and most move on after two years.  Just long enough to form friendships but not long enough to really enjoy that friendship after you form it.  The nature of the expat community in Taiwan is, most expat women stay two or three years then move on.  It's really hard work to stay motivated to meet new people when they move away again so soon. But, with somewhat different philosophies toward child-rearing, and probably life in general, its also difficult to develop meaningful relationships with Taiwanese moms.  I mean, I know some lovely local women, but there is some fundamental difference that forms a barrier in total understanding.  I do  have some great friends who are not going anywhere soon, but I know they feel the same way about our social circle.

I've been updating my blog, so if you are in taiwan and looking for child-oriented things to do, take a look. 

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